Sally Butan

How to Maximize Mealtime

Sally Butan
How to Maximize Mealtime

This post is sponsored by Cascade Platinum + Oxi. All opinions are my own.

Sharing one thing that just about everyone can agree on - relationships grow around meals. Whether two people are dating, married, or raising children - the meal is where a lot of conversations happen. However, before we can get into sharing our meals as a family, important preparation needs to be done beforehand.


Our most important prep step is making sure we have dishes that are really getting clean. You know when you set the table and you still feel that slip or grit on your dishes from leftover food residue? When it comes to cleans dishes, we only trust Cascade Platinum + Oxi to give a deep, hygienic clean. That’s because Cascade Platinum + Oxi ActionPacs have ingredients that break down starch and proteins from stuck-on food and leftover grease, leaving dishes not only looking clean but feeling clean too.


Another thing we can all agree on is the love of sharing great food together as a family and making the most out of mealtime.

So, how do you make sure mealtime is a time for spouses and family to converse and grow?

Well here are a few tips:

• Spend time on the important parts and minimize the time spent on frivolous tasks (like worrying about

dishes that aren't really getting clean!)

• Make sure everyone knows that mealtime is time to be present and enjoy each other

• Have the whole family help with meal prep and cleanup

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make mealtime special for you family!